We'll find the huge Iberá wetlands, subtropical grasslands, Chaco forests, kind of dry forest, and the Atlantic Rainforests, Amazonian domain.
Our Trips
You can choose the trips based on the natural regions you want to visit or simply by choosing from the general proposals for main trips.
Long Trips
Over 540Km where all this amazing biodiversity converges, we can find 40 endemic bird species, and enjoy one the wildest lands in the world.

From the Tucuman grasslands and Yungas cloud forests to the Andean Plateau at more than 3300m asl close to the border with Bolivia.
A trip to the uttermost part of the world in southern Patagonia, with the choice of stopping in a northern Patagonia Sea town in Valdes Peninsula.
This journey begins in Buenos Aires, an important hotspot, and includes the Paraná River Delta (north-west), the Atlantic coastline and mudflats at Punta Rasa (south-east), and several excellent birding hotspots in between.
Short Trips

Several local reserves inside the city, including Vicente López, Ribera Norte, and Costanera Sur.

One of the best hot spots of southern south america with more than 300 wild species to enjoy and discover.
Ibera Wetlands comprising swamps, lakes, and numerous streams and rivers, the site is a haven for birds.
Is in the outer geographical limit of the River Plate estuary. It is the best place for spotting migratory waders.
Subtropical, warm, and humid, this rainforest includes the crowns of gigantic emerging trees.